Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wandering in the Dark!

Today a dear friend shared an incident that happened in his home this morning. He stated he had gotten up to make his regulated 2:30 a.m. trip to the bathroom. He ask his wife why did she close the bathroom door? Her reply was “honey, I didn't close the door!”. What was different about today was he walked into his clothes closet instead of the bathroom. She noticed his voice wasn't coming from the area of the bathroom, she thought he had gone outside of their bedroom to the guest bathroom. Well, he apparently realized he was not where he wanted to be. He humbly opened their bedroom door to reenter, she said, “welcome back!” The two of them laugh and is still laughing. Might I add, you are free to take it from there what happened to my friend... smiling!
Did he make it to the bathroom?

Although, this is funny and I appreciate my friend sharing his misfortune today, I thought of how often we stumble around in the dark, looking for something, someone, or a place that is outside the will of God for ourlives. We will never find our way walking in the dark unless the light of Christ Jesus leads us.

We walk outside of God's plan for our lives when we walk in the dark, darkness offer no sense of direction only confusion (my friend experience was reality).

Jesus said to them, "The light is with you for a little longer. Walk while you have the light, lest the darkness overtake you; he who walks in the darkness does not know where he goes.
From my heart to yours'