Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me" (Psalm 51:10)

It is essential that the intimacy requirements  of an effective intercessor dictates that one must first examine the condition of ones heart toward God and toward his people.  The "Heart" is the inner self  that thinks, feels, and decides.  It is the center of our understanding and is central to some aspects of a person's personality or character.
It takes a pure heart to create a pure,  undefiled  conscious.  We cannot preach or pray diligence, conduct, purpose in the faith, patience, love, and steadfastness until we have received these characteristics from God.  With the heart a person believes in Christ and so experiences both love from God and the presence of Christ in the heart. ( Romans 5:5; 10:9-10)   Heart/Mind connection is the key to intimacy with God and is vital to a healthy, satisfying, fruitful, and effective prayer life.

"In Search of a Praying Heart"
Mother Katie
(Dr. Katie C. Davis)