Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Why Teens Should Get Angry With Parents

March 17, 2014 by   The Boundaries Books Team

Adolescents get angry a lot. They live in protest mode, so it is second nature for them to get mad at everything in the world, especially their parents. But some parents are conflict-phobic — they are uncomfortable and afraid of being the object of their teen’s wrath, and so they avoid setting boundaries with their teen.
However, this teaches adolescents that if they throw a tantrum, they can get out of a limit. Teens who learn this will also have difficulty experiencing healthy adult relationships. To help your child avoid this relational future, you’ll want to teach him to accept responsibilities in relationships without having outbursts.
Many parents who fear their teen’s anger have either had little experience in dealing with anger or had some very negative experiences. Whichever the case, these parents have few tools to deal with angry people, so they avoid confronting them because it’s too uncomfortable.
If this is your struggle, in addition to fearing your teen’s anger, you may also fear the strength of your own anger. To resolve this fear, learn to experience and normalize anger — your own and others’ — as a part of life. Make this an intentional item of growth for yourself.
You can get used to angry feelings by dealing with them in your own supportive relationships. Tell others about your discomfort with anger, and practice expressing your anger in safe relationships. Also learn how to listen while others express their anger. Instead of panicking or fearing the worst, focus on what the person has to say and then have a conversation about it. The book, How to Have That Difficult Conversation You’ve Been Avoiding, may be a good resource for helping you learn how to have healthy, confrontational conversations so that you can work through your fear of anger.
If your teen is never angry with you, you’re probably doing something wrong! So let your teen get mad at you, and stay present with her, as long as she is in some sort of control of herself. Remind yourself that when parents hold to the established limits, adolescents respond in anger. This is normal. If you can stay with your teen’s anger and still love her while holding the line, she can more readily learn to give in and let go of her anger, which is a major step toward maturity. The task is to stay connected to your teen even while she is angry, and yet still hold the line. With this approach, she can more readily accept your limit and give up her angry protest of your rules.
This article should really hit home for some parents, I hope it blesses you !.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Henry is my son, he is married to a wonderful young women who I call “daughter love” , the Lord blessed her to be a blessings to me. I have been blessed with Mr. Jasiah, and you see the one on the left she is Lady Gabriela.
Henry has been overseas for little over a year and is returning from Bahrain. God did it and it is marvelous in my eyes, God kept him and his family while he served his country. I am among the many proud and honored mothers & fathers who await the day to see their son or daughters return home safe.
Father God, I humbly thank YOU for watching over, caring for and covering with the blood of Jesus, Henry and the many others arm force personnel’s who serve with pride the USA. All honor, all power, all glory belongs to YOU and YOU alone! Amen!