Friday, July 26, 2013

II Chronicles 7:14

July 23, 2013

II Chronicles 7:14 says If my people who are called by my name, would humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land. 

I start my statement with this Scripture as I salute God’s mighty praying Women. Women of God: in order to be powerful and effective in prayer, let’s examine these words “Power of Praying Women.” First, we must identify ourselves as God’s people who operate under the name that is above every name. His name is Jesus our Lord and our Saviour. Second: Humble yourself before you pray; don’t lie to the Holy Spirit because God desires truth from the inward part of your heart. Then pray not to impress with eloquent speech, but instead pray to tear down the strong holds of the devil. Then seek God’s face, (his face is his word according to his will). Remind God of what His Word said concerning the situation that you are praying about. Our Lord and Saviour don’t have Spiritual Amnesia. He never forgets his promises.

Here’s the big one… 
Now You Turn From Your Wicked Ways and ask the Lord to count you worthy to get a prayer through. (In other words keep it real and repent yourself):

Then God is willing and He will hear you from heaven and He will forgive your sins and He will heal your land (sometimes your land maybe your body, your children, your spouse, your business, your church etc. in other words, anything that belongs to you is placed in the direct position to be healed and delivered. One of the most powerful requests that we as Praying Women can request, is to ask Jesus to be Lord in our lives and be Lord in the lives of all of our children. In other words, totally surrender and let Him take control of us and let Him be our boss. Ladies no matter what the Question is our answer should be “YES LORD”) . I dare you to try it. I am a living witness that it works.

Prayerfully submitted by, the leading of the Holy Spirit. 
Evangelist Lydia Irby
God's Love in Action Outreach Ministries