Monday, August 19, 2013

Blessed To Give, Than To Receive

We live in a world where most people give with the expectation of receiving something in return. Apostle Paul in  Acts 20: 36b says "... And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  (NKJV).  I encourage you to make every effort go out of your way to give if only a smile, a warm good morning, afternoon or good evening with a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving, knowing that you are blessed to be a blessing.  The mere fact that you are in a position to give is a blessing.
The words of Jesus is certainly noteworthy of repeating "... ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” .  So, banish, perish the world's teaching on giving and the motive for which you give. Adopt and put into practice what Jesus taught.  
You are blessed when you freely give (release) with a sincere and grateful heart . As a result of your obedience to Him you will received the blessing that only Jesus can give when you lease expect. Hallelujah!!

From my heart to yours'

Monday, August 12, 2013

Conceive To The Glory of God

Conceive To The Glory of God

When God brings faith into the heart of a God-fearing woman, the result is that she will conceived a seed. I am recalling the statement in the book of Hebrews concerning Sarah, that her faith produced in her the power to conceive. “By faith Sarah herself received power to conceived...” (Hebrews 11:11a) .
By faith Sarah bore a child (Issac) whose life would be an extension of God's promise to Israel. How does Sarah's power to conceive through faith applies to women today? We too will bear a seed. Not necessarily or consequentially a child - as that of Sarah. But our power of faith will conceive a seed, which gives life to others.
Simply by acts with the fruit (seed) of the Holy Spirit, today's women of God will be an extension of God's kindness, faithfulness..., for all to see(Galatians 5:22-23). So that whenever other women are “struggling with their faith,” a woman who has the seed of the power of faith would comfort, rescue, and strengthen.
By your fruit you would reveal which seed is in you. Seek the power of faith to conceive the fruit God has in you.
